Permits Reform ALERT: Implementation of Single Permit Applies to Existing Businesses!
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Permits Reform ALERT: Implementation of Single Permit Applies to Existing Businesses!

By: Alicia Lamboy, Esq.

July 17, 2019

For years, the business community, investors and entrepreneurs have asked for a streamlined permitting process to promote commercial activity in Puerto Rico. A recent amendment to the Puerto Rico Permitting Process Reform Act established a new ‘Single Permit’ to consolidate several authorizations currently required to operate a business into one.

The Single Permit may be obtained by any new or existing business. New regulations, which became effective on June 7, 2019, established the administrative procedure to obtain a Single Permit. A Single Permit should only be requested when the application involves a Use Permit. The Single Permit consolidates the following authorizations (amongst others):

  • Use Permit;
  • Certificate of Categorical Exclusion;
  • Certificate of Fire Prevention;
  • Certificate of Environmental Health;
  • Sanitary License(s); and
  • Certificate of Inspection and Permit for fire prevention.

Businesses should keep in mind that commercial Use Permits cease to be effective upon a name change, business ownership transfer/assignment, a business closure, and/or one year after its issuance date whatever occurs first. In fact, Use Permits and business operation licenses tied to the Single Permit are now subject to annual renewals. This implies that there will be a transition period for existing businesses during which they should file a Single Permit application as a requirement to request the annual renewal of other licenses. The goal is to have a one-time process to renew all licenses issued under the Single Permit.

If you have any questions related to how the new regulation affects your business, the applicability of the Single Permit to your enterprise, or any other permit related question, please contact the following members of our firm:

Alicia Lamboy, Esq. 787.759.4144
Francisco Dox, Esq. 787.759-4220
Gretchen Méndez, Esq. 787.759.4207
Arnaldo Villamil, Esq. 787.759.4148


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Goldman Antonetti & Cordóva, LLC | 787-759-8000 |