Approval of Bill to Reactivate Certain Construction and Land Use Approvals
November 20 , 2018
The Puerto Rico Senate introduced Senate Bill No. 696 for the stated purpose of reactivating the validity period of certain construction and land use permits. The Bill seeks to reactivate projects with construction and land use permits where construction was interrupted due to the Puerto Rico economic crisis. It also covers projects where construction had not yet begun if the applicable approvals were obtained.
The Bill provides for a twelve-month amnesty. The amnesty will allow any person who had commenced construction, or obtained construction permits that had expired due to the interruption of construction for a term of more than four years, but not longer than five years, to apply for the automatic reactivation of such permits. The Bill also establishes the process that must be followed by a petitioner to notify its intention to be covered by the amnesty.
The Bill also provides for an automatic reopening of every consultation (consulta) or construction design consultation (anteproyecto) that was in effect between January 2013 and the date when the Bill is signed into law. This automatic reopening will be valid only during the effective term of the amnesty allowing a petitioner to obtain the necessary permits to begin construction.
The applicability of this Bill to those cases involving projects where construction permits were obtained, but no construction actually began is uncertain.
Senate Bill No. 696 was approved by the Puerto Rico Legislature on November 12, 2018. It is now pending to be sent to the Governor’s Office for final disposition.
Goldman Antonetti & Cordóva, LLC stands ready to assist as you and your business adjust to Puerto Rico’s regulatory and legal changes. If you need further assistance in this area, please contact the following members of our firm:
Alicia Lamboy Mombille, Esq.
[email protected]
Gretchen Méndez, Esq.
[email protected]
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Goldman Antonetti & Cordóva, LLC | 787-759-8000 |